
The conventional RBLS all have much lower scores than the URIBLs. It
takes the top 5 RBLs to match the score of the top 3 surbl.org lists.
For this reason Multi-listing in multiple RBLs rarely causes as hefty a
score problem as URIBLs. I'd be very happy if the URIBL scores were more
similar to the RBL scores.

While multi-listing is somewhat common in RBLs, it's the vast majority
of cases in URIBLs. Over 50% of my mail that hits any surbl.org lists
hits 3 or more of them.

I dont agree here. Things change, scores do change also. What percentage of spam is hit by a regular RBL, on your system, and what percentage is hit by a URIBL? On my end its really the URLBI stuff that throws out the spams. Most regular RBL stuff is somewhat obsolete. With all the botnets. Perhaps i get early spams but the Spamcop lists and so on dont score much first fresh runs now days.

#1      183613  PROLO_LEO5
#2      163666  BAYES_99
#3      145559  URIBL_BLACK
#4      134801  URIBL_JP_SURBL
#5      119963  URIBL_SBL
#6      114410  HTML_MESSAGE
#7      111995  URIBL_WS_SURBL
#8      99093   URIBL_OB_SURBL
#9      96098   URIBL_SC_SURBL
#10     92592   MSGID_FROM_MTA_HEADER
#11     91374   MSGID_FROM_MTA_ID
#12     69953   MIME_HTML_ONLY
#13     68626   INFO_TLD
#14     64968   URIBL_AB_SURBL
#15     63657   RCVD_IN_BL_SPAMCOP_NET
#16     60161   FORGED_RCVD_HELO
#17     50662   MIME_HEADER_CTYPE_ONLY
#18     49725   HTML_MIME_NO_HTML_TAG
#19     49346   FORGED_HOTMAIL_RCVD2
#20     33737   HTML_30_40

The first regular list is spamcop, the rest i dont even see inside the top 20.


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