I have an similar meta question,

I'm trying to include all tests conforming to a wildcard (*) meta entry so I don't have to type out each member. This is the configuration I have so far but as you can see, RemoveBBB is not scoring. Is what I'm attempting possible and am I doing it correctly? There is no SCORE line, so it should default to 1.0:

Disable This Rubbish
Discontinue Correspondence
Discontinue Emails Like These
Discontinue This Kind of Message

body REMOVE_B16 /Disable This Rubbish/i
body REMOVE_B17 /Discontinue Correspondence/i
body REMOVE_B18 /Discontinue Emails Like These/i
body REMOVE_B19 /Discontinue This Kind of Message/i

meta RemoveBBB ( (REMOVE_B.* +) > 1)

X-SpamAssassin: score=4.0 tests=REMOVE_B16,REMOVE_B17,REMOVE_B18,REMOVE_B19

This is the section of the manual I'm following:

meta SYMBOLIC_TEST_NAME regular expression
Finally, parts of a meta rule may be defined by a regexp followed by an operator. All rules matching the regular expression will be strung together, with the given operator between each expression. The rule compiler will add ``^'' and ``$'' before and after each regexp, so the regexp must match the entire rule; a rule name begining with a ``.'' or a ``['' will be treated as a regexp.
As an example:
meta TOO_MANY_UA ( (USER_AGENT.* +) > 1)


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