On Wed, Apr 26, 2006 at 10:20:22AM -0400, Bowie Bailey wrote:
> Pablo Allietti wrote:
> > hi all i recently install spamassassin in freebsd but i can't find
> > the file that contain the scores i need to chage for example
> > NO_RDNS rule to give 3.0 but i can't find the file
> > 
> >  0.5 NO_RDNS                Sending MTA has no reverse DNS (Postfix
> > variant)
> >  0.8 BR_REMOVER_QUOTE       BODY: Inclui texto para remover email
> > (quote)
> >  0.1 TW_LB                  BODY: Odd Letter Triples with LB
> >  0.6 J_CHICKENPOX_42        BODY: 4alpha-pock-2alpha
> >  0.6 J_CHICKENPOX_33        BODY: 3alpha-pock-3alpha
> >  0.6 J_CHICKENPOX_62        BODY: 6alpha-pock-2alpha
> >  2.0 BR_SPAMMER_URI         URI: Texto suspeito
> >  2.6 NO_DNS_FOR_FROM        DNS: Envelope sender has no MX or A DNS
> > records
> >  0.5 MIME_BAD_LINEBREAK     Message body with fishy line breaks
> > -1.6 AWL                    AWL: From: address is in the auto
> > white-list 
> The file that has scores for the default rules is
> /usr/share/spamassassin/50_scores.cf.
> However, you do not want to make changes to that file, because they
> will be overwritten every time you upgrade.

ok and i need to restart spamass after modify the local.cf?

> Instead, put your changes in your local.cf file.  This file is read
> after the default rule files and will override the default rule and
> score definitions.
> for your example, just add this line to your local.cf file:
>     score NO_RDNS 3.0
> Also, you should always be careful when creating high-scoring rules.
> Frequently, rules that sound like really good spam-sign turn out to
> have lots of false positives in practice.  Since NO_RNDS has a default
> score of just 0.5, I would suspect that this might be the case here as
> well.  So if you make this change, be sure to keep a close eye out for
> false positives.
> -- 
> Bowie
---end quoted text---


Pablo Allietti
E-mail: [EMAIL PROTECTED] | LACNIC                                              
Phone : +598 2 6042222   | http://LACNIC.NET

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