I'm now capturing 2 separate spam feeds and I want to share it with anyone who can use it. I'll forward it to you in real time.

First - the spambot feed. This is spam that is mostly spambot generated targeted at email addresses that never existed. It's 100% spam and I've added a header that has the IP address of the host that sent it to me. None of this is forwarded. If you're building an RBL of IPs you'll want this feed. I think this feed will give you at least 40,000 spams a day. These are bots NOT listed with Spamhaus because I reject those spams at connect time.

The second is high scoring SA caught spam of 15 points and up. But it's not just SA scores. It's modified by hundreds of other tricks I've developed. This spam is good for harvesting URIs for URIBL lists. It also includes Phishing spam. I can't say it's 100% but it's better than 99.9% accurate. These spams are high quality in that it's spam that snuck through other screening meathods I've used.

None of this spam is the really easy to catch stuff. We all can block the easy stuff.

I hate spam and spammers. I'm already sending one list to a URIBL provider who is very happy so far. I just started sending the spambot stuff to another IP RBL provider and they have yet to comment. But - if anyone else wants some of this I can add you to my list. All I need is an email address to feed it to.

So - who wants in on this?

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