Do any of you out there run spamassassin on a mail relay or pop/imap
server  to add the X-Spam headers to all mail that passes through your

If you do, how do you let individual users (who don't have accounts on
your relay) tweak their user_prefs file to whitelist things that are
not spam or otherwise tweek the rules?

Do any of you who use spamassassin at the server level (as opposed to
the user level) use it to reject spam (versus just marking it up)?

I had this idea that something could add a url to the bottom of the
message that would let the user click on it and white/black list the
user back on the server.  Maybe something like this exists already?

I must say that in my own experience, I could not blindly reject mail
with Spamassassin because it has too many false positives with my

Michael Grant

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