
it seems to me that one of the big problems of email is the fact that email 
more or less hide the email address in favor of the display name,
and that many users seem to lack the knowledge to check, let alone understand,
message headers
I guess most people should be able to notice the obvious discrepancy between 
address and display name that is present in many unwanted emails, if they were 
seeing them

Wolfgang Hamann

>> Michael Scheidell <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:
>> > Also, and if you require all mail servers to only take mail from
>> > xxx.bank.com, what good is that? doesn't that break how everyone
>> > receives email?
>> No. It just rings very loud alarm bells when an email claiming to be
>> from the bank comes from a server other than *.bank.com. It does, of
>> course, require the user to check but this can be done either
>> automatically by something like Spamassassin or using the Mk1 human
>> eyeball to examine the message headers. It would not be necessary for
>> the user to examine the headers of every message, just those claiming
>> to come from 'high risk' (to the recipient) senders.

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