> On Aug 2, 2006, at 3:03 AM, Matthias Keller wrote:
>>>> will it not be much faster just to make a md5 sum on the image file
>>>> without
>>>> thinking if it a appel or orange ? :-)
>>> Yes, but just taking a straight sum will be sensitive to all of those
>>> small pixels which are changed by the spammers so that they have
>>> different sums, but the differences aren't visible to the human eye.
>>> That's my point.  If you drop out the lower bits of the colors, then
>>> you mostly retain what is perceptible (in color ranges) to the human,
>>> while losing those parts that a) the human wouldn't have noticed
>>> anyway, and b) throw off your sum of the image for comparison to
>>> known spam images.
>> Hi
>> You're idea is kinda interesting, but what would you do about a pic
>> with white background, black font and some random black noise on it ?
> Yeah, my strategy fights hidden pixel variations, but not overt ones.
> making the image actually appear grainy/noisy to the human eye, with
> different grain/noise for each spam, still gets past my strategy.
Maybe I'm not getting the obvious, but what about using something like
Perl::Magick to convert a given image into B/W? I mean, ImageMagick is
made for things like that...
Shrinking it to, say, a quarter of it's original size would take care of
at least many random noise pixels.


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