Tom Ray wrote:

Derek Harding wrote:
On Wed, 2006-08-02 at 16:37 -0400, Tom Ray wrote:
Anyone serious about stopping SPAM should not use SpamCop. They have no real checking method, it's like AOL's spam blocking method...they just let users submit what they think is spam and then block it. It's pointless. There's not even a way to contact anyone at SpamCop to fix a falsely listed server or what not.

Spamcop has its problems, some very serious, however the above
mis-information should be corrected.

If you are listed incorrectly you should email [EMAIL PROTECTED]
They're quite helpful although their definition of incorrectly may
differ from other people's definitions (including my own). For example,
when some muppet reported us 25 times for a single email Spamcop removed
all but one report and canceled the listing immediately. So to say
there's no way to contact them is plain wrong.

Let me re-phrase that, there's no listed form of contact on their website. I was just have a choice of Header Help, and Terms. There's no "Contact SpamCop" option, no listed email accounts to mail to. So how does Joe Average know how to contact Spam Cop?

I stand corrected I was at and not which has these methods...nice to link over to the proper site.....
So one of their serious problems is not listing the fact there is a way to contact them. I remember when SpamCop started, there was a ton more information on the site plus a way to check if you were listed with SpamCop (which you can't do anymore) plus contact information. None of that exists anymore.

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