Tom Ray wrote:

> Let me re-phrase that, there's no listed form of contact on their
> website. I was just have a choice of Header Help, and Terms.
> There's no "Contact SpamCop" option, no listed email accounts to mail
> to. So how does Joe Average know how to contact Spam Cop?

Why would "average joe" be contacting any DNSBL admin?
> So one of their serious problems is not listing the fact there is a way
> to contact them. I remember when SpamCop started, there was a ton more
> information on the site plus a way to check if you were listed with
> SpamCop (which you can't do anymore) plus contact information. None of
> that exists anymore.

You can check if you are listed here:

Mr Michele Neylon
Blacknight Solutions
Quality Business Hosting & Colocation
Tel. 1850 927 280
Intl. +353 (0) 59  9183072
Direct Dial: +353 (0)59 9183090
Fax. +353 (0) 59  9164239

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