
Just a small problem with sa...

Two different machines:
Home=AMD Athlon XP 2600+, 512M, 40G hdd, SuSE 9.3, SA 3.1.4 (from cpan)
Work=AMD 4200 Dualcore, 2G, 3 * 300G sata, SuSE 10.1, SA 3.1.4 (from cpan)

The configuration on both machines is the same. Eg, I installed SA from cpan, 
and didn't do anything more.
The only thing really different is that I tried to follow 
http://gtmp.org/pub/sa-postfix.en.html on the work machine (which doesn't seem 
to work also LOL, but that's beside the point here ;) )

On my work, I get almost the same messages as I do at home. So most of the spam 
messages are the same too.
But the funny thing is that my home machine is properly assigning messages as 
spam, but the work machine is not.
In the headers (work) I found: autolearn=no
But that doesn't mean anything to me :(

I'm not sure what I'm doing wrong.
Hopefully someone on this list has an answer to this...


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