On 30-Aug-06, at 11:41 PM, Rick Roe wrote:

I get a lot of spam whose From addresses are users that don't exist on my system (random names like [EMAIL PROTECTED], [EMAIL PROTECTED], etc). I recently set up a scheme to manually blacklist all From addresses on my domains and un-blacklist the fifty or so "real" addresses mail can legitimately come from (the system aliases like postmaster, daemon, and so forth, and a small handful of real users each with a handful of aliases), using blacklist_from and unblacklist_from in the local config file.

This is a rather fragile system, though -- anytime I go to add any new users or aliases, I'll have to edit my local.cf files to match. My user population is rather static, so it's not a big deal, but it seems like there should be a simpler, more automatic way to do this. Am I missing something?

SPF will address this at the MTA. Depending on your MTA you may be able to address this by checking against the user database but I wouldn't do it in SpamAssasin. It's a content filter, it shouldn't be verifying user accounts for this purpose.

Gino Cerullo

Pixel Point Studios
21 Chesham Drive
Toronto, ON  M3M 1W6


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