Duane Hill wrote:
  Having  an  issue  with  spamd terminating abnormally. The server is
  running FreeBSD 6.0-Release, Perl 5.8.8, and SA 3.1.5.

All the spamd processes actually terminate? Not end up like zombies or stop responding?

  spamd is started with the following:

    -d -r ${pidfile} -m 15 -i -p 783 -s /var/log/spamd.log

  The ${pidfile} is set from within /usr/local/etc/rc.d/sa-spamd.

  I've  checked  through  the  spamd.log file created and can not find
  anything to indicate why this is happening.

  I've also made sure 'spamassassin --lint' comes out clean.

  I  do  use  sa-update and had to remove the rules that I loaded into
  /usr/local/etc/mail/spamassassin  as  they  were causing a conflict.
  That conflict wasn't visible until after I started logging.

What kind of conflict are you talking about here?

  If there is something I'm missing, please point out what. Thanks.

After how many messages does spamd exhibit the problem? How many children are running? Are you using pre-forking or round-robin? Does-rescanning the last message processed by each child, or at least the very last message to be scanned, cause the problem to happen again (after you've restarted spamd, of course).


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