On Friday, September 15, 2006 at 6:36:01 PM, Daryl confabulated:

> Duane Hill wrote:
>>   Having  an  issue  with  spamd terminating abnormally. The server is
>>   running FreeBSD 6.0-Release, Perl 5.8.8, and SA 3.1.5.

> All the spamd processes actually terminate?  Not end up like zombies or
> stop responding?

I  do  not  believe  so.  Viewing processes with 'ps' and grep'ing for
spamd yields nothing. Normally it shows something like this:

[EMAIL PROTECTED] ~]$ ps auxw | grep spamd
nobody  6899 18.6  5.5 57400 56716  ??  S     6:43PM   1:31.52 spamd child 
nobody  7343 15.3  5.2 54220 53628  ??  S     6:51PM   0:15.46 spamd child 
root   87623  0.0  4.7 49420 48852  ??  Ss    2:12PM   2:56.78 
/usr/local/bin/spamd -m 15 -i -p 783 -u nobody -g nobody -

After  spamd  is  no longer active, there isn't anything displayed for
the process.

I  did  forget  to  mention  I  was  running  spamd  under  the nobody
user/group.  However, I was having this same issue running without the
-u and -g start parameters.

>>   spamd is started with the following:
>>     -d -r ${pidfile} -m 15 -i -p 783 -s /var/log/spamd.log
>>   The ${pidfile} is set from within /usr/local/etc/rc.d/sa-spamd.
>>   I've  checked  through  the  spamd.log file created and can not find
>>   anything to indicate why this is happening.
>>   I've also made sure 'spamassassin --lint' comes out clean.
>>   I  do  use  sa-update and had to remove the rules that I loaded into
>>   /usr/local/etc/mail/spamassassin  as  they  were causing a conflict.
>>   That conflict wasn't visible until after I started logging.

> What kind of conflict are you talking about here?

>>   If there is something I'm missing, please point out what. Thanks.

> After how many messages does spamd exhibit the problem?  How many 
> children are running?  Are you using pre-forking or round-robin? 
> Does-rescanning the last message processed by each child, or at least 
> the very last message to be scanned, cause the problem to happen again
> (after you've restarted spamd, of course).

> Daryl

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