On Thu, 2006-09-28 at 19:11 -0700, jdow wrote:
> From: "Ramprasad" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> > On Tue, 2006-09-26 at 21:28 -0700, jdow wrote:
> >> Before you blame Earthlink note that it has NOT gone through Earthlink
> >> servers.
> >> 
> >> relay2.corp.good-sam.com is the receiving email server.
> >> 
> >> It's a forged email, at a guess. (It also has mangled headers. Newlines
> >> are missing. MAYBE it would do better if you sent it plain text. HTML
> >> tends to mangle things.
> >> {^_^}
> > 
> > Nobody would blame earthlink for the mail , But Most of the spams to my
> > clients come from earthlink.net.( sometimes as high as 20% of spams
> > Yahoo comes in next with ~10% )
> How do you determine this? Is it by a legitimate domain keys tested
> Earthlink SMTP or does it simply say it came from Earthlink? I see
> a lot of mail that SAYS it came from Earthlink. But there is not a
> single Earthlink name in any of the Received headers. It's forged.
I am going by envelope from only. Obviously can be forged

> > I have written to them several times that their domain is being forged
> > heavily by spammers but they refuse to take any action 
> Explain how they can take any action? How can Earthlink stop it? They
> do sue in particularly blatent cases. But if it's some other ISP with
> a user forging Earthlink names what on Earth do you expect Earthlink
> to do?
> > Apparently they have removed SPF records after publishing them once.
> > Thats a stupid idea IMHO. Today I am forced to TEMP FAIL earthlink ids
> > whenever there is a spam attack on my servers 
> They went to domain keys. It seems to be better for the Earthlink
> situation.
> {^_^}

Why not SPF ??
DK is a resource HOG. And I cant do that easily in postfix ,( I know you
will point to dk-milter )

What is the point accepting the mail and the entire data and then
scanning for DK when It should have ideally been rejected after 
"mail from:"

So I let SA do the testing .. which catches the spams but eats resources
of my servers. When you receive 3-5 million mails a day you tend to
bother more about resources


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