Robert Swan wrote:
> I have a legitimate client that I receive e-mail from and they are
> by Razor (, among other things. Does any know how to
> someone off of Razor's list? Any help would be appreciated.

As has been pointed out, Razor does not have a "list" that they put
senders on. If you'd like to whitelist SourceForge, I suggest creating a
rule like this (I haven't tested this):

header __FROM_SF_RCVD Received =~ /sourceforge\.net/
header __FROM_SF_MSGID Message-ID =~ /[EMAIL PROTECTED]/
describe FROM_SOURCEFORGE Compensate for SourceForge's broken emails

You'll have to look at some actual messages from them and make sure that
it'll match.

Anecdote: I had to do something similar for messages sent from our sales
guys' Blackberries, which tend to trigger INVALID_DATE and
MIME_BASE64_TEXT.  So then when they start talking about product stock
levels and trigger SARE_MLH_Stock1 and some other rules, they sometimes
get marked as junk.

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