At 12:58 PM 10/9/2006, you wrote:

Network tests are definitely missing.  There are two ways to turn off
network tests.  The first is with the '-L' option to spamd.  The
second is with config options in  Using the config options
should affect both spamd and spamassassin, so based on the behavior, I
would say that it looks like you still have the '-L' option on spamd.
Or else they are reading their configuration from different

My is pretty basic. Nothing in there about network tests or disabling them.

One thing you can do is to add the '-D' option to spamd.  This will
cause it to log lots of debugging stuff that may help you figure out
why it is not running network tests.  This will be written to syslog
by default.  This will log LOTS of stuff, so you may want to turn it
on, let one or two messages come through, and then turn it off again.
You can then read through the debug info and look for problems.  If
you can't see anything wrong, post it here and see if we can.

From my untrained eye, it looks like one message did get the tests, one didn't?


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