>> >* George R. Kasica wrote (18/10/06 14:55):
>> >> I'm noticing in 3.1.7 here that SA children are entering the K state
>> >> but not disappearing from the proc list, leaving me with eventually
>> >> many hung SA items and no running children as I hit the max child
>> >> limit. I've NOT seen the behavior in 3.1.5 which I've gone back to as
>> >> of last evening.
>> >>
>> >> Has anyone else noticed this and if so is there are cause/solution for
>> >> it out there? What can I provide to help with the solution??
>> >
>> >I've been seeing this (or something similar) with 3.1.5, and I reported
>> >it, with a similarly suspect subject line, a few days ago.
>> OK. Well, assuming I don't end up in FBI custody for my poor choice of
>> words.....
>> >My best guess is that it's related to logrotate. I've added a spamd
>> >restart (SIGHUP should do it) after logrotate runs, and I'm not seeing
>> >the problem any more. But, since it occurs unpredictably, I may be
>> >speaking too soon. There are a few bugzilla entries that might be
>> >relevant. Eg http://issues.apache.org/SpamAssassin/show_bug.cgi?id=4237
>> >and http://issues.apache.org/SpamAssassin/show_bug.cgi?id=4316
>> I have one log rotate about 0400 here and a full restart of the mail
>> system at 0500 every day to keep things happy and I'm seeing this
>> later in the day say 9-10am so I don't think its log rotate related.
>> Those bugs are not what I'm seeing, I'm seeing totally stuck in K
>> state children that won't go away until you go out and start killing
>> procs.
>Seeing the exact same thing here, running SA 3.1.7 on FreeBSD.  My logs
>rotate once a day at midnight, and I can kill spamd and restart spamassassin
>during the day and very quickly these "undead" processes start building up.
>On my box it's definitely related to FuzzyOCR - I turn off FuzzyOCR and the
>problem goes away.
>The problem is I LOVE FuzzyOCR - it kills a lot of spam!  I will probably
>try going back to SA 3.1.5 and see if that fixes it.

I've dropped back to 3.1.5 last evening about 2200 CDT and no problems
since. I'm also running FuzzyOCR 2.3b here and did not see the problem
until I got to 3.1.7 I'll cc this to the FuzzyOCR list and see if
anyone there is seeing this....

===[George R. Kasica]===        +1 262 677 0766
President                       +1 206 374 6482 FAX 
Netwrx Consulting Inc.          Jackson, WI USA 
ICQ #12862186

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