I have a problem with auto-whitelisting and MySQL.
I've setted up SpamAssassin (v. 3.14) to connect to MySQL and store
Bayes and AWL Data.

Bayes data are stored as it should for everyone, but the AWL doesn't
work properly.

When I start up SA I get this in the debug logs, and it looks good.

[8494] dbg: plugin: registering glue method for
[8494] dbg: auto-whitelist: sql-based connected to
[8494] dbg: auto-whitelist: sql-based using username: root
[8494] dbg: auto-whitelist: sql-based get_addr_entry: no entry found for
[8494] dbg: auto-whitelist: sql-based
[EMAIL PROTECTED]|ip=none scores 0/0
[8494] dbg: auto-whitelist: AWL active, pre-score: 2.216, autolearn
score: 2.216, mean: undef, IP: undef
[8494] dbg: auto-whitelist: sql-based finish: disconnected from
[8494] dbg: auto-whitelist: post auto-whitelist score: 2.216

This proves it gets to the DB and gets the data, and I can confirm that
this is saved and read from the DB.

But when someone gets a mail this is what the logs are saying...

[8657] dbg: locker: safe_lock: created
[8657] dbg: locker: safe_lock: trying to get lock on
name.macnt/account.web/.spamassassin/auto-whitelist with 0 retries
[8657] dbg: locker: safe_lock: link to
name.macnt/account.web/.spamassassin/auto-whitelist.lock: link ok
[8657] dbg: auto-whitelist: tie-ing to DB file of type DB_File R/W in
[8657] dbg: auto-whitelist: db-based
[EMAIL PROTECTED]|ip=91.103 scores 0/0
[8657] dbg: auto-whitelist: db-based [EMAIL PROTECTED]|ip=none
scores 0/0
[8657] dbg: auto-whitelist: AWL active, pre-score: 20.713, autolearn
score: 20.713, mean: undef, IP:
[8657] dbg: auto-whitelist: add_score: new count: 1, new totscore: 20.713
[8657] dbg: auto-whitelist: DB addr list: untie-ing and unlocking
[8657] dbg: auto-whitelist: DB addr list: file locked, breaking lock
[8657] dbg: locker: safe_unlock: unlink
[8657] dbg: auto-whitelist: post auto-whitelist score: 20.713

This shows that it are actually reading and saving to the Bayes DB File
instead of the MySQL DB. It worked in the test run, why not here?

Does the user has to have something in their user_prefs file, or could
something in them override the system settings?

The fact that every user now has their own DB file is what I wanted, not
one big for everyone, so it is working kind of. But I want it all stored
in the MySQL DB.

If someone knows how to solve this problem I would be very happy.


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