Eric A. Hall wrote:
On 10/23/2006 10:50 PM, John Rudd wrote:
Eric A. Hall wrote:
On 10/23/2006 7:01 PM, John Rudd wrote:

a) does the hostname in the PTR record point to a CNAME instead of an A record

That's not illegal. It's pretty common too, since subnet delegation of
in-addr space only works on /8, /16 and /24 subnets due to the way that
octets are mapped to domain name labels in that hierarchy.
RFC 1912 says "don't do that" :-)

RFC1912 is informational non-authoritative. It has some big errors (ie, it
says a label may not be all-numeric, which is wrong).

Though, honestly, I've yet to see it actually get triggered in my mimedefang filter, so I don't mind losing it.

Can you clarify what you are looking for here?

Note that this is entirely legal, and even necessary:

[ root# ] host is an alias for is an alias for domain name pointer

All of that's ok.  The question is:

is an A record, or a CNAME record?

That's the thing I have been testing for (is it a CNAME). That's the thing that RFC1912 doesn't like (the PTR record itself, not merely aliases that eventually get to the PTR record, but the PTR record itself, may not _refer_to_ a CNAME record, it must refer to an A record)

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