Bill wrote:

>     Ok, if the image spams all have a different hash wouldn't that make the
> Hash function built into Fuzzy OCR useless as well? I'm not sure I buy into
> that thinking. The hash option in my Fuzzy OCR setup runs pretty well.

No, the FuzzyOCR plugin's hash system isn't a checksum of the sort
you're describing.  It's just a collection of "image features" glued
together--things like the dimensions, colour depth, number of unique
colours, the most used colours, and so on.  It offers no guarantee of
uniqueness, but it does a pretty good job.

The kind of centralized hash database you're asking about could
conceivably be built around this kind of hash as well, provided the
client and server tools were developed to use this custom format (rather
than ordinary mathematical hashes).

Robert LeBlanc <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Renaissoft, Inc.
Maia Mailguard <>

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