I sent the below about 10 days ago and I didnt see anything from anyone.

A 3-5% ratio of our email is getting tagged with HTML_IMAGE_ONLY_32 which according to the DOC is HTML: images with 2800-3200 bytes of words. The only problem is the emails in question had only 1 image in them and it was a spacer.gif file. And I manually checked the size of the IMG SRC line and counting everything in it include domain names, directories, directives, etc was 184 bytes.

Is this a red herring event? Because I have checked 10 different messages and none of them had anything that could match that.

The only thing that might of was if you cut and pasted the entire body of the email from <html></html> that was 3020 bytes but thats the message itself not an IMG.


ps thanks ahead for any help on this.

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