I've been watching this for awhile, and there is now a pattern to what I'm 

I'm running a configuration with multiple users sharing a bayes files. This is 
an interim move to facilitate the spamassassin upgrades, and like many interim 
moves its been going on for a long time.

When I first build the bayes files from my personal folders and my spam 
archives, things were great. 99.8% of the spam caught or better. Then, usually 
after a week or so, the number starts to drop. Right now, its down to 97%, in 
another day or two it will be down below 95%. With the amount of spam we 
receive, that is a lot of missed junk mail.

So I blow away my bayes* files, rebuild, and I'm back up to darn near 100% 
caught. For about a week. Then the deterioration begins again.

Has anyone else encountered this? Is this an artifact of too many users sharing 
a spam file?

Also.... I retrain each night, feeding any missed spams plus any new hams 
received back through sa-learn. I can't see how that makes it worse, but who 

Thanks - Jack

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