On Wed, 2007-04-04 at 00:55 +1000, Pete Russell wrote:
> adam lanier wrote:
> > On Wed, 2007-04-04 at 00:37 +1000, Pete Russell wrote:
> >> How do i write a rule that says;
> > header __GATEWAY_RELAY      Received =~ /\[111\.222\.333\]/
> so in this line the ip address is only the 1st 3 sections. Will it match 
> anything in the 4th? eg 111.222.333.xxx?
> > header__NOT_PAR_DOMAIN      From =! /[EMAIL PROTECTED]/i
> I know . are important in regexp, the domain is .com.au can i just 
> change the above line to /[EMAIL PROTECTED]/i
> and score SPAM_FROM_RELAY 5 ?
> > 

Sorry, trying to dash off a response while doing ten other things.  

The ip address should probably match exactly if you only have one relay

header __GATEWAY_RELAY  Received =~ /\[111\.222\.333\.444\]/

If you have multiple relays/ip addresses:

header __GATEWAY_RELAY  Received =~ /(?:\[111\.222\.333\]|\[444\.555\.666

You should probably escape all the '.' in a domain literal just to be


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