Grant Peel wrote:
> 1. sa-update. After wrestling with a number of required modules, I
> ran sa-update with the --checkonly option, but it did not return any
> messages. I then ran it using only the switch --updatedir. It created
> a couple of what appear to be accounting files, and a new
> directory'updates_spamassassin_org" witch appear to contain the new
> rulesets. Are these rulesets simply meant to replace the ones in my
> site wide conf? (/usr/local/share/spamassassin). If so, is there a
> way to tell the command line to simply out them in there instead of
> creating the new directory and forcing me to copy them over?        

SA will automatically use the rules from the new directory created by
sa-update.  You don't have to do anything.

> 2. Someone suggested I enable (or check to see if it is enabled) DNS
> tests. What config file/option can I look for to see if this is
> indeed enabled?  

If you are using spamd, check that the startup does NOT use the '-L'or
'--local' options.

> 3. A while back, I turned off bayes database due to the huge files it
> creates in the users directories. Is there a way to manage the size
> of these files?  

Bayes should manage these files itself.  If they are getting huge, the
expiration may not be running properly.  Check the list archives for
instructions on disabling the auto-expiration and running it manually
from a cron job.

> 4. On this Spamassassin site, under optimization,. it reccomends that
> people not use "sa-blacklist" and "sa-blacklist-uri" for performance
> reasons. Where might I check to see if they are enabled? How would I
> turn them off?   

If you have them, they will be in your local rules directory
(/etc/mail/spamassassin for me).

> 5. Dare I ask if some wants to summerize the Razor installation
> process? (I keep going in circles on this). According to me, I have
> Razor installed, but no not how to intigrate it with SA.  

Two basic steps.

1) Install Razor (and the required Perl modules) per the instructions on
2) Enable Razor in SA by uncommenting the loadplugin line for it in
   v310.pre and adding a "use_razor2 1" line in your file (both
   found in your local rules directory.

After this, run SA on a test message and look for the Razor messages to
see if it is working.

    spamassassin -D razor2 < test.msg


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