From: "Loren Wilton" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

Chuckle. Now in that case, a tall chain link fence, with a few "Beware of
Mickey" placards might be in order.

It is a 6' fence, variously wood and chain link. And I used to have LOTS of problem with people ignoring the "private property" signs on the other side and jumping the fence any time they wanted a convenient path from one place to another. I finally planted Jeruselem Thorn bushes at the major traffic points, and dropped the trimmings (these are prolific plants) along the base of the fence in other traffic places. This stopped the "jump over the six foot fence" traffic after about a month.

Longer than that. I kept the jump spots "fed".

For those who don't know about Jerusalem Thorn we're talking about the
Mexican variety, Parkinsonia Aculeata.

This is a NASTY thorn bush. And the Wikipedia description underestimates
the thorn size. The trees we had would produce thorns about an inch to
an inch and a half long that would go through tennis shoe soles. They
would embed deeply into hard rubber soled walking shoes that had 3/4"
soles. Around each randomly curved thorn at its base were a collection
of little thorns about 2 to 4 mm long.

It was a pain, literally, to cut off branches and then pull them loose
from the other branches. It was only safe to carry a small number at a
time lest their weight force thorns through thick leather work gloves.
But I did keep the "traps" seeded. And I am nasty enough to get giggles
when I think of the reactions of those who jumped the fence into a
bunch of these monsters.

(Now we have a second fence across the "front" of the property so the
short cut doesn't work so well, particularly with the easy gate from the
jump spots seems to have gotten jammed in a Santana wind storm a couple
years ago.)


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