On Tue, 2007-08-21 at 13:08 -0700, Bret Miller wrote:
> When I see on the list that many people run botnet with ZERO false
> positives, I have to ask myself, "how? 

Anyone who claims that isn't really looking at the email they are
blocking, or don't believe borked DNS qualify as a FP.

> "we can't accept email from your husband because the IT department at
> the City of Pasadena won't fix their DNS issues for their email
> server."

There are broken email/dns/whatever servers all over the place.  It's
one of the reasons I don't use botnet, since I lean more towards pass
rather than block.  If I did, I wouldn't use the default scores.  They
are very aggressive and wouldn't work well in my environment.
- Andy

The test of courage comes when we are in the minority. The test of 
tolerance comes when we are in the majority.
  - Ralph W. Sockman

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