> Hello,
> I maintain a large webmail host (I bet you can figure out which one) for
> free/paid accounts that sends out tens of thousands of emails a day. We're
> not quite Yahoo Mail or Hotmail, but we're pretty big. We're looking to
> scan
> outbound mail using SpamAssassin and I'm hoping that someone here might
> have
> some suggestions or feedback on what the best way to configure this would
> be. I've seen a handful of posts about this in the archive, so I know it's
> come up before.
> My plan is to scan all outbound mail and drop all mails that match to a
> log
> file or a separate directory where they can be hand-reviewed by someone in
> our customer service department. We also wouldn't want to actually modify
> the mails on the way out-- so we wouldn't add the spamassassin mail
> headers.
> Does anyone here have practical experience or advice, tweaks, etc. that
> would help us to implement this sort of thing? (I know the volume will be
> fairly high, but a nice farm of machines all running spamd should be able
> to
> load balance that part fairly well. It's the rules I'm worried about and
> how
> to make the log/discard work the way I want.)
> Thanks in advance for any help you can provide.
> Joe

Try amavisd-new list.
There you could integrate your SA checks in a very efficient way (policy banks, 
quarantining, releasing etc.)
MySQL backend is also a good idea on high load severs.

Leon Kolchinsky

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