I just got this personal email from him:

"Why don't you add me to your black hole list? I've added you to mine. That way you don't have to see what I post. I'm happy not seeing what you post. And - don't bother replying because I won't get it."

I don't believe warnings are in order any longer for him. It's time he's cut off.


Duane Hill wrote:
On Wed, 12 Sep 2007 at 08:40 -0500, [EMAIL PROTECTED] confabulated:

Jason Bertoch wrote:
On Tuesday, September 11, 2007 7:07 PM Marc Perkel wrote:

The details are a little to complex for this forum ...
OK - had quite a few trolls here who seem to be hostile to my
breakthroughs so I wasn't that motivated to post information.

Is there any chance we can get a moderator on this, please? This is clearly not a SA topic and I'm weary of insults, flames, and advertisements from Marc.


It's a waste of time. Other subjects posted by M. Perkel:
"The best way to use Spamassassin is to not use Spamassassin" and the very humorous, "What changes would you make to stop spam? - United Nations Paper", there are dozens of other equally off topic and troll-like posts here by M. Perkel.

It's clearly turned from plain ignorance of the rules of this list to marketing his junk list now, and that really doesn't belong here.


Ken Anderson

Mr. Perkel has been warned before (at least twice that I can recall) about bringing his off-topic stuff to this list.

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