On Thu, 2007-09-13 at 15:12 +0200, Rense Buijen wrote:
> Hi Group,
> I was wondering, setting up a mailserver with spamassassin and optionaly 
> amavis and/or mailscanner takes a big amount of time if you want to do 
> it right.
> Is there a system or set of scripts that can speed things up and maybe 
> with some dialoques to configure a debian or redhat box for you?
> For instance, qmailtoaster is a nice one but comes in RPM, I also know 
> about vpostmaster but it lacks features and is fairely incomplete when 
> it comes to updating and the frontend is quite poor.
> Any tips?
> Kind regards,
> Rens

mailscanner comes with a combo  mailscanner + sa + clam 


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