On Thu, Sep 13, 2007 at 10:24:08AM -0400, Kris Deugau wrote:
> >How do I disable AWL?
> Not sure;  check the docs for the version of SA you're using.  It *has* 
> changed more than once in the last year or so IIRC.

It's still the same "use_auto_whitelist 0", though it's recommended to just
not load the plugin if possible (which it isn't in this case).

> >My users_prefs file does not currently have a bayes_expiry_max_db_size
> >option in it.  Do I simply add one, setting a smaller value?
> Yep.

I would recommended against this.  150k is a good running value, making it
lower will potentially limit the effectiveness of using Bayes.  It's also
worth noting that the expire system has forced minimum value of 100k here.

> >There's nothing that I can do with bayes_toks?
> To actually trim the file, you may have to discard the Bayes database 
> you've got and train a new one with the new bayes_expiry_max_db_size 
> value.  BerkelyDB doesn't shrink the file when a record is deleted;  you 
> usually have to copy the live data to a new file and move it over top of 
> the old one.

FWIW, that's exactly what the bayes expiry system does.

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