On 19.09.07 12:07, mizzio wrote:
> hello everybody,
> I apologize to ask an off-topic question, and feel free to point me to
> any other resources on the net.
> I'm setting up an SMTP server (centos + qmail) on a dell quad core
> machine for sending out a periodic newsletter (10 millions a month).
> In order to avoid any possible blacklisting problem, I'm looking for all
> the best practices. Right now I've set up:
> - Dedicated public IP address
> - Dedicated domain and MX record with correct reverse resolution.
> I'm looking into in SPF but I have no experience on this.

SPF won't help you in not getting blacklisted. SPF can only preserve your
domain from being forged by other servers. (well, not much server uses this
check yet, but it's at least detectable)

> Any help is greatly appreciated.

use opt-in subscribing with good verification (so noone can fake
subscribe confirmation), give users way of easy unsibscribing...

send mail in batches and avoid qmail if possible (qmail unbundles batches
and sends each mail separately)

btw did you read http://wiki.apache.org/spamassassin/AvoidingFpsForSenders ?
Matus UHLAR - fantomas, [EMAIL PROTECTED] ; http://www.fantomas.sk/
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