Kris Deugau wrote:
> Ralf Hildebrandt wrote:
>> * Randal, Phil <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>:
>>> If you don't want to annoy a lot of people your spamming (oops,
>>> newsletter sending) software needs to deal with NDRs back from
>>> recipient's domains and either put their subscription on hold after
>>> a small number of failures or automatically cancel them.
>>> There's nothing worse than mailing lists which keep sending to
>>> non-existent recipients.
>> amen to that!
> Thirded.  There's a "newsletter" that some of my spamfilter customers
> want to get, and others want blacklisted, that doesn't *accept* mail
> from the SMTP null sender.  Period.  I may start bouncing the
> postmaster notices *I* get to deal with to their postmaster@ along
> with 
> a complaint
> about their RFC-violating behaviour.
> I'd drop them in a deep dark hole (/dev/null feels about
> right) if there
> weren't customers that actually *want* to receive their glop.  :/
> -kgd

There are a number of high-profile sites which are very badly behaved in
this respect.

Friends Reunited being one of them.



Phil Randal
Network Engineer
Herefordshire Council
Hereford, UK

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