> -----Messaggio originale-----
> Da: Jeff Chan [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
> In principle, this is a good concept; using domain whois data to spot
> bad
> domains can be useful.
> In practice, it's a really, really, really bad idea since the public
> whois
> infrastructure is not designed for this kind of high volume use.  If
> many
> people did it, it would result in an effective DDOS against whois
> service, even
> with caching and delays.  Please don't do it.
> It's much better to let URI blacklist operators such as SURBL handle
> these
> domains in a centralized way and publish the domain data via our four
> dozen DNS
> servers, etc.

How do they "handle these domains in a centralized way"? Do they simply
relay a whois request for not-yet-seen domains? Because in this case they
have to tune their whois parsers a bit: dob.sibl.support-intelligence.net,
in example, reports both libero.it and tomassoni.biz as being Day One Bread,
while it is years they're around...


> Jeff C.

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