> Is there a new PayPal phish going about? This almost
> looks legitimate, and I imagine it would have a lot of
> appeal to the survey-lovers. (I had no communication with
> PayPal this week, so I know this is bogus.) 

I received those too, and before that, an email from their customer support 
telling me that they did not have my email in their database.

What was strange, that the email was an answer to something that I had posted 
to THIS SpamAssassin list! The person I replied had some [EMAIL PROTECTED] 
address, so I though he was somehow connected with PayPal germany (if there is 

I replied to the PayPal message that my mail was about SpamAssassin and not 
PayPal, and they should tell their webmaster not using a Reply-To which gets to 
PayPal customer service.

Well, they responded... again telling that my email address can not be found 
from their database. Seems impossible to reach them without being a customer;)

And then came those surveys... They wanted to know how they managed to help me 
in my problem;)

They are legitimate IMO, and may be because you have replied to the sender of a 
message here.

I enclose here the first contact from PayPal to me. It is a reply to a message 
to this list.


Dear Jari Fredriksson,

Thank you for contacting PayPal with your concern.

Hello my name is Jorge, I am sorry to hear about the situation regarding
your account and understand your frustration and concern over this 
issue.  I am happy to assist you with your questions.

Unfortunately, we didn't receive sufficient information to proceed with 
your question. Please provide us with additional information such as:

   ·   What issue are you experiencing?
   ·   Are you receiving an error message? (If so, please include the 
full error message.)
   ·   What steps are being taken when you are encountering the issue?
We appreciate your assistance in resolving your question.

We appreciate your patience and understanding regarding this matter, and
wish you continued success on PayPal.

PayPal Consumer Support
PayPal, an eBay Company

Original Message Follows:
> Hello Jari!
> First here are my Config-Files:
> The system runs with qmail, clamav and spamassassin
> (xinet.d) 
> I just recognized that when I write in my config files
> "ok_languages de" and some content analysis written in
> the body of the mail produced by Spamassissin are not
> translated into German the mail would give a reason for
> another run for the Scanner? Could this be? 
> Greetings

Your SA-config propably is not the cause. I don't know about qmail, and 
how it calls SpamAssassin, but could it be that SpamAssassin is called 
in two separate places?

First in some QMail configuration, and then later in procmail or 
whatever delivers the mail to the user mailbox.

Something like that might look possible to me. SpamAssassin itself does 
not call itself no matter how you configure.

The problem propably lies in qmail and other mail delivery configuration


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