> I am also running an old version (3.1.7 on Ubuntu 7.04).  Between SA and
> Thunderbird's own spam features, I am detecting something between 75%
> and 80% of spam.  How much better is 3.2.x?

On my small system (5 users) spam detection is above 99% accuracy for my own mail account. Less than 1 spam per week coming through and no false positives for a year or two (and I check all found spam manually). My account gets 100 spam and 20 ham per day; perhaps more ham with the mailing lists.

I have installed and activated all external network-tests in SA (dcc, razor, pyzor), AWL, feed all my messages to Bayes manually in addition to the automatic bayes learning, raised the BAYES_99 score to 4.5 points, and pull a few selected rules from SARE. I also did a few rules myself, but the corresponding spam isn't coming any more.

I also use greylisting on my mailserver (with the exception of servers in the dnswl) and use the Spamhaus zen and dsbl blocklists at the mailserver. I also did the usual mailserver hardening for postfix (reject invalid hostnames/senders/recipients, non-fqdn helo etc). Additionally, a local caching-nameserver is in use.

From my point of view, it couldn't get any better. And don't forget: SA alone isn't enough. The correct mailserver configuration is as important. My system is certainly over-administrated for 5 users, but hey, it's my hobby and I hate-hate-hate spam :)


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