Hello Craig,

I recently ran into this problem myself. The solution, after being a dolt and not running a backup first, was the following sequence followed by line definitions:

   /etc/init.d/mailserver stop
   sa-learn --backup > /etc/mail/spamassassin/database.bak
   sa-learn --dump magic
   sa-learn --no-sync --ham --progress --mbox /export/home/brian/Ham
   sa-learn --sync
   sa-learn --no-sync --spam --progress --mbox /export/home/brian/Spam
   sa-learn --sync
   sa-learn --dump magic
   spamassassin -D --lint
   /etc/init.d/mailserver start

1) Shutdown Sendmail/ClamAV/MIMEDefang/Spamassassin.
2) Backup the database.
3) View current statistics which will also display the current bayes database version.
4) Do a ham learn.
5) This one was key! Even after everything was parsed and the command line came back, the database was still not in a happy place. Doing the --sync brings it to that happy place.
6) Do a spam learn.
7) See #5.
8) View current statistics and note nham and nspam increases.
9) Run through the rules to make sure everything is still cool and no errors occur.
10) Start Sendmail/ClamAV/MIMEDefang/Spamassassin.


- Doing a --sync on the sa-learn learning process didn't work. I'm not sure why the system doesn't learn the file and then just resync the database when it's done. Maybe Theo has an idea. - Shutting down the MTA isn't ideal but it prevents lock file conflicts which don't seem to work too well under Solaris 8. Mail queues in the ether for about 30 minutes while all of this is going on. I've even thought about automating the process which would help keep the Ham and Spam files at a reasonable size and shorten that to about 5 minutes.


Hi again SA experts,

Note the error message in the 2nd-last line of the following transcript:

animalhead:~/sj $ sa-learn --no-rebuild --spam --mbox savejunk
The --no-rebuild option has been deprecated.  Please use --no-sync instead.
Learned tokens from 3025 message(s) (3047 message(s) examined)
animalhead:~/sj $ sa-learn --no-sync --spam thruJunk
bayes: bayes db version 0 is not able to be used, aborting! at /usr/local/lib/perl5/site_perl/5.8.8/Mail/SpamAssassin/BayesStore/DBM.pm line 196.
Learned tokens from 170 message(s) (170 message(s) examined)

There are 171 messages in directory thruJunk. The largest is 495K, the next largest is 137K.
$ sa-learn -V    yields "spamassassin v 3.2.1"

What should I do about this?

I still have another directory with ham to go. It includes lots of large files. Should I delete those over a certain size?

Craig MacKenna

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