> Hello Craig,
> I recently ran into this problem myself.  The solution,
> after being a dolt and not running a backup first, was
> the following sequence followed by line definitions:
>    /etc/init.d/mailserver stop
>    sa-learn --backup > /etc/mail/spamassassin/database.bak
>    sa-learn --dump magic
>    sa-learn --no-sync --ham --progress --mbox
>    /export/home/brian/Ham sa-learn --sync
>    sa-learn --no-sync --spam --progress --mbox
>    /export/home/brian/Spam sa-learn --sync
>    sa-learn --dump magic
>    spamassassin -D --lint
>    /etc/init.d/mailserver start
> 1) Shutdown Sendmail/ClamAV/MIMEDefang/Spamassassin.
> 2) Backup the database.
> 3) View current statistics which will also display the
> current bayes database version.
> 4) Do a ham learn.
> 5) This one was key!  Even after everything was parsed
> and the command line came back, the database was still
> not in a happy place. Doing the --sync brings it to that
> happy place. 6) Do a spam learn.
> 7) See #5.
> 8) View current statistics and note nham and nspam
> increases. 9) Run through the rules to make sure
> everything is still cool and no errors occur.
> 10) Start Sendmail/ClamAV/MIMEDefang/Spamassassin.
> Notes:
> - Doing a --sync on the sa-learn learning process didn't
> work.  I'm not sure why the system doesn't learn the file
> and then just resync the database when it's done.  Maybe
> Theo has an idea. - Shutting down the MTA isn't ideal but
> it prevents lock file conflicts which don't seem to work
> too well under Solaris 8.  Mail queues in the ether for
> about 30 minutes while all of this is going on.  I've
> even thought about automating the process which would
> help keep the Ham and Spam files at a reasonable size and
> shorten that to about 5 minutes. 
> -BE

Why do you put that --no-sync argument after each learning command in the first 
place? I have used it when learning several messages one at a time, and then 
later --sync

But in your script, I see no reason for 1st learning with --no-sync and then 
--sync after it.

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