I strongly recommend to block Habeas entirely.

They are a yet another garbage email company.


On Tue, Feb 26, 2008 at 03:10:54PM +0000, Anthony Peacock wrote:
> Hi,
> Following up to myself...
> Anthony Peacock wrote:
>> Hi Justin,
>> Justin Mason wrote:
>>> Jason Haar writes:
>>>> Anthony Peacock wrote:
>>>>> I have had a look around the http://www.habeas.com/ website and can't 
>>>>> really see how to check the company in question, or make a complaint. 
>>>>> There is a form for asking them to ask the company to remove these 
>>>>> addresses from their mailing list, but I don't want to have to do that, 
>>>>> I want to complain about the company.
>>>> This is a "me too". I had the same problem and came to exactly the same 
>>>> conclusion: there's no way I could find to notify them that one of their 
>>>> supposedly squeaky-clean customers is sending spam. I'm pushing their 
>>>> score down to 0 too.
>>> No way you could find?  look harder guys ;)
>>> at the top of www.habeas.com, 'Support', then 'Give Feedback on Habeas
>>> Certified Senders' brings you to this page:
>>>   http://www.habeas.com/en-US/Company_Feedback.php
>>> That page says you can also just forward it to complaints /at/ 
>>> habeas.com.
>> I did find that page, but got hung up on the bit that says, "Please ask 
>> the Sender to unsubscribe me from this email list. I understand Habeas 
>> cannot guarantee I will be unsubscribed."  Which, in my hurry to get to a 
>> meetig this morning, made me assume that this was just another mechanism 
>> to implement unsubscribing, and not a proper complaint procedure.
>> I will actually report the emails that I have got.  But I think I am going 
>> to disable all the HABEAS rules anyway.
> Looking into this more, I have disabled the HABEAS checks altogether 
> (setting score to 0).  I did consider the suggestions about lowering the 
> impact by setting the score to -0.5 or similar, but actually I don't like 
> the concept of this service, and I would rather save the bandwidth and not 
> do the checks altogether.
> Thanks to everyone for their comments.

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