Yes, I have whitelist myself. I see it as that score without the whitelist.


On 26/02/2008 3:21 PM, fchan wrote:
 Thank you Loren Wilton. I think this is best solution for me.
 These are not from Kohl's or any other legitimate  company. The subject
 changes from month to month and the percentages change but the format
 remains the same for the subject line. The body uses legitimate text
 taken from various webpages and have phishing link which also varies.
 The sender is  "me" but the Return-Path is the same name at different
 I tried to attach the message but apache.org rejected it.

Which brings up the question, why are you having problems catching it?
Have you whitelisted youreself with whitelist_from.  Most of these I see
score around 20 or more.


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