Henrik K wrote:
On Wed, Mar 12, 2008 at 10:23:14AM -0400, Randy Ramsdell wrote:
You can use spamassassin and clamav with or without Amavis, but to check the message, you must make a system wide change that will affect every message. Bypassing file size limits with any of those setups might not be an ideal solution. After a brief read on Sanesecurity signatures, it appears that the size limits will still come into the equation and again, a system wide setting change is required.

What are you talking about? I have no limits on size for ClamAV scans.

I am talking about message/attachment size limits or was that a rhetorical question? You can set the size limit which I believe is "StreamMaxLength." From the docs, this should be set to the mail server size limit so maybe it isn't a factor. The addon for clamav does seem to be interesting given this.


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