Our users are getting hundreds of these!

One of the problems is that the actual spam email is sometimes not attached. But interestly enough we are usually sent the email header of the original email. From that we (the humans) can easily spot that the IP address of the mailserver claiming to be ours is, in fact, not. So, if that line in the returned email header can be parsed perhaps a program can validate the IP address.

Only a suggestion - I'm sure a lot harder in real life.

SPF only works in these instances if (1) the domain users know what mailservers they might use amd (2) the mailserver that received the original SMTP connection analyzes SPF before accepting the connection and doesn't just bounce the email back to the sender.

At 07:28 PM 4/10/2008, Jason Haar wrote:
I think we've detoured from the actual problem?

The fact is that lots of spam is now being sent to other sites, pretending to be from (collectively) our email addresses, so that we get the bounces containing the spam. And SA isn't marking these messages as spam, whereas if it was directly sent the same spam, it would.

So how do we fix this situation? What about getting SA to "detach" the associated bounced message as a separate message and score that instead? I know I can casually just say that - doing is a different matter - but isn't that really the only answer to this problem?

How are others (successfully) handling backscatter? Moving bounces into yet another separate folder isn't a solution for our users - and I'm sure the same applies elsewhere. Spam is spam...


Jason Haar
Information Security Manager, Trimble Navigation Ltd.
Phone: +64 3 9635 377 Fax: +64 3 9635 417
PGP Fingerprint: 7A2E 0407 C9A6 CAF6 2B9F 8422 C063 5EBB FE1D 66D1

Best Regards,

Jeff Koch, Intersessions

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