listmail wrote:
I noticed that the AWL database was getting rather large, so I used the
check_whitelist script to remove the stale entries. While this seems to have
removed a lot of entries from the database, it did not reduce the database size.

Does anyone know what kind of a database this is, and in particular, how to do
a cleanup that will remove unused records? The database is currently located
on a RAM drive, so space is important due to scarcity as well as the potential
speed issues from letting it grow too large.

I noticed a similar issue (user mail quotas getting eaten by large AWL files) back around 2.5x, and hacked the check_whitelist script to shrink the AWL file.

Check that it's set up with the right hash type (DB_File for any 3.x SA version) - I'm not sure whether the posted version is derived from the one I hacked up on Debian woody or not. <g>

Note that you'll need free space wherever the file is up to the size of the current file.

There is no way I know of to shrink BerkelyDB files in-place.  >:(


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