On Thu, May 08, 2008 at 11:35:30AM +0100, Justin Mason wrote:
> Not in my experience!
> I haven't seen anything that isn't a bounce message, an out-of-office
> notification, auto-replies, or other stuff targeted by the VBounce
> ruleset.  certainly not transactional mail.  as far as I can tell, it's
> *not* that common.

I can give you dozen sample emails from last week right now. Including
handwritten mails from people, that come from strange systems (Lotus, Live
Mail, Horde/IMP..) sending as null. There's a lot more, I don't have time to
check every mail. It *is* common. And this server only passes 15k mails a

You are only talking about your own mailfeed, right? I can't believe you
would say this otherwise.

> > Do you want a bug opened?
> Nah, that's ok ;)

Well, frankly I have too much on my plate to start working on this too. So
I'll let it sleep for now. :)

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