On Thursday 19 June 2008 7:50 pm, Sahil Tandon wrote:
> Chris <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> > On Thursday 19 June 2008 9:33 am, Yet Another Ninja wrote:
> > > Guys, you're being hit with hacked web site URIs showing up in a heavy
> > > spam flood. I see Uribl.com got most of them, but in case:
> > >
> > > rawbody  GMD_R_DOT_HTML /\/r\.html$/
> > > describe GMD_R_DOT_HTML Possible hacked site with porntube redirect
> > > score      GMD_R_DOT_HTML  3.5
> > >
> > I'd like to enjoy, stuck the above in my local.cf, restarted SA, ran
> > spamassassin --lint and got:
> > I know it can't be that hard to c/p a rule, though it seems I either
> > messed something up or SA didn't like the rule.
> I think something went awry with your whitespace during the cut&paste.  Try
> editing the local.cf in vim, delete what appear to be spaces in the GMD
> rules, re-insert them, and then --lint again.

That did the trick, I should have learned from prior experience and typed it 
in manually in the first place.


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