John GALLET a écrit :
I think I have a newbye simple problem of philosophy/strategy: my approach, for what it's worth, was that I flag anything that contains some unsubscribe links and French law reminders because anyway all the ones I receive are spam, and I add the opt-in mailing/newsletter I receive to whitelist_from in user_prefs, i.e. I kill everything except those explicitly allowed.

That's a strategy I tried when I first started writing SA rules, but soon rejected due to the workload of detecting and whitelisting new opt-in subscriptions. It may work for you if you don't have many users who sign up for this stuff...

Incidentally, I have a ruleset for French-language "Nigerian" scams (which in fact tend to be mostly from Côte d'Ivoire, not Nigeria!) that I've been meaning to clean up and make public. I'll try to get round to that soon...


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