Robert - elists wrote:
I don't get why the list software doesn't take care of this so we never have
this issue.

This has been debated to death here and elsewhere. please search the archives and/or google before bringing this religious debate again.
Isn't one of the people that administrates this list bright enough to make
that happen?

The following lists work the same way as SA:
- postfix
- amavisd-new
- bogofilter
- dovecot
- courier
- debian
- FreeBSD
- NetBSD
- IETF lists (ietf-smtp, ...)
- spam-l
- securityfocus lists

do you think you are bright and all these people are stupid? don't you think this is very unlikely (exceptionally when you see that the IETF lists are configured this way!).

One, it is the right thing to do,

No, the right thing is my religion. everything else is bad ;-p
come on...

 and two, then we wouldn't have to listed
to all this baloney on the list about it anymore.

If everybody uses Mutt, we wouldn't have this "baloney" either ;-p
Note that "even" Thunderbid correctly handle the Mail-Followup-To header. so if you really have a problem with console mailers, you can still use TB :)

The list software and or a list admin also occasionally signs up addresses
that are not opt'ed in...

I don't understand this part.

Please let's kill this thread.
- Matus and few others will keep shouting when people send them private copies.
- The rest of us don't care
- Earth will keep turing...

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