Christopher Bort wrote:
This is really not a SpamAssassin issue, but since this list is populated by people who are interested in spammer behavior, I'm throwing it out for comment. If it's too far off topic, my apologies and I'll let it go at that.

At $DAYJOB I run a mail server and a name server for several domains, both our own and for clients. At home, I run a mail server and a name server for a couple of personal domains. The home name server is a slave for most of the domains hosted at $DAYJOB. The home mail server is _not_ configured to handle mail for any of the $DAYJOB domains and it is _not_ an MX for any of those domains. The only connection is that it is an NS for the $DAYJOB domains. These domains _do_ have $DAYJOB mail server as their MX.

For a while now, I've been seeing attempts to send mail to the home server for addresses in $DAYJOB domains. This is not a problem since the volume is low and they are being properly rejected as third-party relay attempts (authentication required - relay not permitted). However, the fact that someone is apparently trying to send mail to an NS instead of an existing MX has piqued my curiosity. It looks like it's all spam (the sender addresses tend to support that). So, has anyone else seen this sort of behavior and what could be the rationale for trying to deliver mail to an NS like this?

I have seen that spammers usually target most available "A" records of a domain So if a domain is All machines , , , etc are all targeted.

Remove the A record ( if possible ) and you will see spams disappear

Unfortunately this works :-( in evading spam filters in far too many cases. A lot of domains host their websites/mailboxes/DNS on shared servers who do not offer any protection at SMTP levels .Even if the customer subscribes to a third party Antispam solution and points his MX to a spam filter the spammer easily sends his mail to the unportected mailhost server and gets straight to the inbox. We ourselves had extremely tough times explaining to clients

Probably Spamassassin Comunity needs to develop a email client plugin that can detect such mails


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