Yes, Kai, I noticed there were no replies. In fact, I've noticed that for the most part many of the folks on this list try to be as unhelpful as possible to new posters on the list. Almost like there is challenge over who can be the quickest on either a rude comment or put- down.

I've been using SA for a long, long time and serve several thousand users who are not local but situated around the world. Don't you think you might want to know if I noticed an issue between upgrades that might affect other SA users?

No matter, I've got tough skin and I've just as much right to publish on the list as anyone else (and I'll probably get flamed over this). I don't care though and any comebacks will just be ignored. I'm older and wise enough to not be affected by that schoolyard childishness so those that want to wast their time, have at it. I'm fast on the delete key, emotionally immune, and I won't waste my time reading or responding to jabs or insults.

Now, for those who want to engage is serious, and adult discussion about what I think is a possible memory issue... I am still concerned that there is a memory issue with SA. Because I've been aware that under heavy loads, I've seen SA start to backup and the file count in the queue rise into the thousands over 5 to 8 hours.

When I reinstituted the blocklists in CommuniGate Pro, the spam load falls dramatically and SA continues to function. And yet I'm still getting tmp files in the Submitted folder that have multiple .tmp extensions as though spamd was being respawned by the script after a child process dies inadvertently. I started having these issues as I said when I upgraded from 3.1.8 to 3.2.5. I also had installed the OS X 10.5.4 update. I turned Clamav off which was being called by cgpav with no change. I've run CG Pro even without SA and there is no problem, even without the blocklists. CGPro easily can handle the 100,000 plus spam our server gets in a day.

I've been wondering if this could be simply an inherent interpretive slow-down in Perl. I had not compiled with sa-compile, but plan to do that today or tomorrow as soon as I get re2c installed to see if there is a performance improvement. I'll be interested to see how this affects the multiple .tmp extensions. I'd be very interested to hear from anyone else who've had issues like these that seemed to be improved with compilation.

All respectful and cordial replies will be greeted with equal response. ;-)

Ron Smith
Veteran Pediatrician of 25 years
Harley-Davidson Ultra Glide man (minus tattoos or piercings), and one tough son-of-a-gun!

"Having an email problem is painful, but character-building."

On Jul 25, 2008, at 4:31 AM, Kai Schaetzl wrote:

You notice that you didn't answer the question about memory? Until now you
haven't verified at all that the problem is connected to sa.


Kai Schätzl, Berlin, Germany
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