That's a great suggestion, Bowie. I'm going to give that a shot.

Now that you bring up connections per child... how many usually occur or can occur if I don't specify? I seem to have missed that in the man pages.

I'm running 4gb on my system all this week (up from 1gb originally) and have a total of 8gb in my hot little hands to install if need be.

And I too am only using my mailserver, spamd, clamd, named, but I also run freshclamd which updates the viral database four times a day.

Ron Smith

"Having an email problem is painful, but character-building."

On Jul 25, 2008, at 10:54 AM, Bowie Bailey wrote:

I am running spamd like this:

/usr/bin/spamd -d -m 4 --max-conn-per-child=50 -timeout-child=180 -u

That's a maximum of 4 spamd child processes and they restart after 50
connections each.  The processes are using 60-65M each.

Drop your maximum number of children until the system runs without using
swap.  You could also drop any unnecessary 3rd party rulesets to lower
the memory consumption of each process.  If you can't keep it out of
swap, you should consider adding some memory. My system has 1GB of ram, but the only things running are the mailserver, spamd, clamd, and named.
I have some swap space available, but it is never used.

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