Ralf Hildebrandt wrote:
* Robert Schetterer <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>:

Project Tarbaby helps you reduce spam and helps us build our blacklist. This is done by adding a fake MX record to your existing MX lists

thats could be seen as a security risk
cause in rare cases you may recieve legal mails
i.e at an network outage etc

How? He tempfails all mails.

Are you asking how sending your customer, or company email off someplace you don't control might be a security risk?

Read the fine print. The way Marc's system works is by waiting for the absence of the QUIT command. That means anything the system sees before it's done waiting for QUIT is available to a process. Do you have any idea what that process does, how it's coded, or how secure it is? This isn't an open source project.

Most of our customers would wonder why we are sending their mail off without their explicit permission. That's a breach of trust at least, and perhaps of contract. It might also be a violation of company policy, or just plain illegal.


Ken Anderson

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